Friday, September 25, 2009

Family Planning in Central Wisconsin

I just wanted to pass along this video about a family planning clinic in Wausau, Wisconsin. Wausau is a 20-30 minute drive from both my parent's hometowns and I'm pretty familiar with the town and area. For my parents growing up, Wausau was a big city. It's not totally surprising to see this type of atmosphere around a family planning clinic in this area - a clinic which doesn't provide abortions, by the way.

h/t Miriam at Feministing.


BenYitzhak said...

That chanting is really very creepy.

Anonymous said...

Usery is my new favorite word...

It never ceases to amaze me that people still cling to these beliefs that are outdated and irrelevant to modern society. If we still lived in a purely agrarian society, twelve kids would be fine. But when the world is already overpopulated, twelve kids just seems, dare I say, selfish?

I also love that they're protesting abortion in front of a clinic that definitely doesn't perform abortions. In fact, it's helping prevent them.


Fiona said...

There already is a word 'usury' and I don't think it means what that young man thinks it means. Unintentional hilarity! How nice though that he feels that men can have lots of the sex without being used in any way. The lady with the dozen children?

Has her doctor not pointed out to her the uncanny similarity between the horrible nasty things that she rhymed off that can happen to women who take the Pill and women who get pregnant...? Doesn't look like the vague threat of those things scares her, either.

Every time I see something like this it reminds me how very foreign the USA is to me. Plus it makes my brain hurt.